Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Items and Zooples coming soon!!!

Just a quick shoutout to Jasmin at TheLemonDropTree who featured my Zooples on her blog, thanks!

I am so excited I can barely contain myself! I started working on new Zoople deisgns and they are just A D O R A B L E!

I am going to be doing a lot with these designs including my first introduction of art prints. If all goes well they will be fine art prints on fine satin canvas paper, stretched over a frame- SWEET!!

Here's a sneak peek at some of the new Zooples (notice they started growing bodies!!) These are just preliminary illustrations but I wanted to share so badly!! I have so many ideas in my head about what I want to create and I'm just so sad that there isn't about 50 hours in every day! "I'm bored" is not a phrase heard around my house!

Stay tuned for more sneek peeks as I develop new Zooples and new ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Too darn cute.....I can't believe how creative you are. I am itching to buy some of your stuff but I have to wait for a special occasion for my nephew!
